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Leading skin specialists 'worried about lack of regulation' in laser hair removal procedures

Concerns have been highlighted with regard to the lack of regulation of people allowed to carry out laser hair removal procedures in Britain. According to a report by the BBC, it is believed that some women have suffered burns after beauty technicians used the wrong lasers and equipment settings.

Experts in the field have stressed how important it is for patients to ensure they see fully-qualified professionals who follow the regulations and standards of appropriate bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Alongside concerns over safety are worries that some patients are not actually getting value for money and, thanks to inexperienced beauty therapists, have to undergo more treatment sessions than should be necessary.

Consultant dermatologist Dr Nick Lowe said: "A person will go in for many more treatments than they need and you never get the degree of permanent hair reduction to make it worth their while.

"They should only be going back for a series of treatments about eight weeks apart on average."


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